Does Your Lawyer Answer The Phone?

21 March 2018

Does Your Lawyer Answer The Phone?

At Perelmuter Law our lawyers answer the phone.  At first we did this out of necessity because we did not have staff.  While we were answering the phone out of necessity we repeatedly heard a surprised voice on the other end when they realized a lawyer had answered their own phone.  We heard from many people how other lawyers screened their calls through a secretary and only sometimes called back.  We soon realized that what was born out of necessity should be something that we strive for at our firm.

So anytime we are not in court or in a client meeting we pick up the phone personally.  This is a commitment and trust me it is not always easy.  Taking every phone call personally provides dozens of breaks in concentration throughout the day and often eats up valuable time.  This is likely why most lawyers screen their calls.  However, despite the challenges it provides, the upside for our clients is invaluable.  Simply because our lawyers answer the phone personally, our clients know we are always there anytime they need us.  They tell us how much they appreciate that we do not have a receptionist or secretary acting as a gatekeeper between them and us.

Clients are smart, have many options, and know the difference between a lawyer who picks up the phone to speak with them immediately and one that does not.  Therefore, this commitment we have made not only makes our clients happy, it makes them more likely to refer their friends and family.  When we answer the phone personally our clients win and so do we.

Give us a call and talk to Yanky.


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